The short 45 minutes squash game the other day really messed me up... The very next day I was on the liveaboard again and my right arm was so painful, I couldn’t swim or even do any sun salute (the plank would just be a torture...). So instead, every morning, I did a 10 min stretching. At least I would still get up in the morning and do some kind of physical activity. Plus, everything I read about trainings advises to take regular rest and to stretch a lot after exercise. So I guess it is all for the best.
I am starting to think about a grand plan for the triathlon in August. I am a little nervous because it will be my first ever race and there are 3 activities to practice... I am already planning on taking swimming lessons when we will be in Paris, I will have to come up with a plan for the bicycle. The 2 things that ease my mind are that the course is pretty much flat the whole way, and that the swim happens in a lake (swimming in the sea is sooooo much more difficult). Plus, we will try to find a 10K before the triathlon so I can experience a race before running a triathlon... All in all it is quite exciting and I can’t wait to go back on land and start running again...
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